A variety of dietary supplements and healing drugs, miraculous devices and pills of unclear origin, but with a “guaranteed effect” … which makes us shallow, educated, reflecting people to prefer their normal care: timely diagnosis and traditional treatment?
We watched the movie “Magic Pill” in the documentary film club. The main character is a very pleasant woman of about fifty. It distributes additives. The woman is sure that these additives are pure benefits in the form of pills. She promotes them very honestly, and her own family. For her, these Chinese jars are medicine and care for the health of loved ones.
Quite different people gather in our film club, so it is always interesting to conduct a survey after the film. And so I ask the hall: and who accepted such funds? It turns out about half.
I watch a movie and remember stories from life. The heroine on the screen wants everyone to be healthy, and for this you just need to drink some pills in boxes with hieroglyphs. You think I’m surprised? No. My mother distributed some similar cunning additives, Tien-shi, and really believed in their favor. Then she convinced me and the rest of the relatives of the terrible utility of the device with electrodes. And he, of course, like Tien-shi, helped literally from everything-you just need to apply it correctly. “Here your head hurts, it’s just that you are lazy to get the device. He even removes the pressure to me!”
The heroine of the film persuades acquaintances and unfamiliar people to come to computer diagnostics. Like, a specialist will come, and – on a computer! – check the body for all diseases.
Calls: “Sveta, hello. Well, what are your comrades there, they go to diagnostics? Well, you are their turny “. “Sergey? I was told, you have questions, but we will have diagnostics here. It is like an ultrasound of the whole organism in 50 minutes “.
And not in the office, not in the medical center, but right in the heroine’s apartment a pleasant middle -aged woman appears. She is brought a stool from the kitchen, she opens an ordinary laptop, and people come to her one by one, for diagnostics. Sit next to the master’s views of the sofa. And the diagnosis begins.
A diagnostic woman speaks a little chant:
– venous deficiency … Gallopois dyskinesia … blood thickening is coming ..
And almost everyone who came to diagnostics says the saying:
– pancreas – liver girlfriend. The liver you loaded a little here.
A man of about forty nods: I agree, loaded the liver.
Several people in the hall of our film club admit that they did such a diagnosis. By the way, I am also just a couple of years ago
-And the thyroid gland is a beautiful bow organ on our neck, but it is hormonal. This is a conductor … – continues the diagnostician, leading the mouse along the contours of the human body on the screen.
People are fascinating these images. Here she is stipulated:
– The thyroid gland is a liver girlfriend … Oh! Thyroid gland – conductor of the whole organism.
Bends to the man. He listens carefully.
– there is a tendency to urolithiasis, there are no stones themselves yet. There is sand. No stones.
– I did an ultrasound – there is a pebble.
– Maybe he was disguised in the sand?
The diagnostician is not embarrassed because of his misfire, because no one promised patients the exact data.
Several people in the hall of our film club admit that they did such a diagnosis. By the way, I am also just a couple of years ago. Friends advised me a specialist who is very difficult to get to and the reception costs 5,000 rubles, and she will tell you everything about me immediately. Then everything was like in the film, with the only difference being that I was accepted not against the background of the carpets, but in the medical center with a large sign. This was the only difference. After diagnostics, the specialist gave valuable advice based on what he saw on the screen: drink a lot of water and include more dairy products in the diet. Good tips, universal.
Returning to additives, I will say that they are very fond of calling us fascinating us, suckers, overseas words. And the more Tarabarshchina in the names, the more trust in them. “Micelia of Cordyceps” and “Ginkgo Biloba”, “Sybiotic Metake” and “Fu Ling” – all this is hypnotizes even during pronunciation, not like a banal aspirin.
All the audience of the film club allotted for the discussion told what charlatans believed, what kind of garbage they applied and accepted, while convincing themselves that this is a concern for their own health. Why are we so ready to believe in nonsense and are not ready to carefully take care of ourselves? It is to take care of effectively treat what can be cured, maintaining chronic diseases in remission and prophylactically examined once a year in order to find out in time about
the weaknesses of the body. At the same time, only the doctors are examined, and not from charlatans.
For example, one person close to me, Alexei, a stomach ulcer. His type of ulcer is now completely cured. In 2005, Australian scientists received the Nobel Prize for the opportunity to treat gastritis and ulcer, and their method is widely used by all gastroenterologists. Alexei is forty, he will tell you that he treats an ulcer for the past 25 years and still does not cure you, and periodically he is so bad that life is not sweet. Alexey is treated himself, hoods from different marine organisms and special Chinese tinctures. But they have not helped him, a strange thing for 25 years. And even if Alexey, God forbid, will die from his ulcer, it will not go to the doctor anyway. Because he is right, not a doctor.